Saturday, July 08, 2006

20 things I hate about me…

I had to think about this, not that I don’t hate things about me, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to post them… so here goes:

1. My attachment to animals (a lot more than people!), like our cat and now the pooch…

2. My emotionalism: I can cry for the smallest little thing, like a sad movie… it’s pathetic!

3. The fact that I have more brain farts lately than ever before. Could that be because I’m aging?!…

4. The fact that I’m unable to let go of the mother-in-law problem completely. I guess, I still have a little hope…

5. My 0 to 60 temperament: I have no (or very little) patience, and at times I sort of wish I did, especially dealing with Hubby.

6. The way I feel when I go shopping for clothes. I feel like a fat carrot in a green onion looking word!

7. That I don’t feel like a good daughter because I don’t visit my mother often. I just don’t want to drive 1 hour each way… It’s just far enough to make it a yucky drive.

8. That I’m not the life of the party kind of person. At times I wish I were…

9. The way I can bear grudges and like a pit bull will not let it go, at all! For years! Not good!

10. That once I’ve made an opinion about someone, it is almost impossible for me to change my mind or to review my position. (But often my first impression is right!)

11. When something isn’t going the way I want it to, it shows in my face or my behaviour, unfortunately. My expressions will betray me!

12. The fact that my body aches often and I don’t really know why (neither do the doctors I’ve seen so far!)

13. That I let one lousy person get me so pissed off and take my motivation away that I stop training in karate, despite my 20 years of labour.

14. The way I got hooked to this blogging thing! I have a feeling it could become a serious addiction!

15. The fact that I’ll jump and scream when I encounter a spider or some icky creepy crawly! I can face up any man I met, but a bug… buurk!

16. That feeling I get when I'm not sure about something. I hate that!

17. The way I, at times, take things too seriously or too personal. Let it go!

18. To see myself in pictures, since I very rarely like what I see.

19. The fact that I tend to procrastinate certain tasks because I don’t like to do them.

20. My inability (or unwillingness?!?) to control what I say at times, but mostly how I say it! Too blunt, way too blunt…

There I'm done!

1 comment:

Paisley said...

pretty template!!!!


I'm the same way with opinions.